
poor me

thank you all for your cat feedback. I'm going to follow up with CC - that's very cool of you. so last night, I did the bills for the first time by myself. it was payday and I was pleased to see how much money I take home in my check. see, I have been so completely hands off with money that I didn't even know how much my check was, when it was payday, nothing. so I was like, damn, nice! it's been several years since I knew what I make so it seemed large.

until I started writing the checks.

holy shit, guys. I have like $4 to my name to last 2 weeks.

dealing with money gives me serious agita and I took some of that out on sean (sorry sean) and I just couldn't wait to be done with that mess. though I have very little cash till next paycheck, I am glad I have 2 weeks to recover from the bills.

I am meeting with a lawyer today to discuss how to move forward legally with our situation. we've decided that it's best to get on the way to divorce and if we decide differently, we can always pull back. this way, nothing is drawn out longer than it has to be and both of us can move on with our lives.

wish us both luck. and again, thank you for listening. (especially you, "anonymous"! so glad you're reading and commenting on old entries.)

6 validations:

lonna said...

I can't even imagine going back to one paycheck. I think that I would be bawling after my first round of bills. I come from a long line of women who tend to the money, so it's been second nature to me. I'm also the daughter of an accountant. So it's in my blood. Unlike my dad, Ethan actually does have a clue what things cost and how much money we have. We also both get paid monthly which can be pretty painful if you don't budget well.

You two sure are moving very quickly. I hope that you guys get things resolved in a way that is best for everyone involved.

thelyamhound said...

We can't even make TWO incomes work, and that's without kids. I feel for ya . . .

NME said...

You're a couple years older, a couple years wiser, and a hell of a lot better paid. It sucks to do the bills - but YOU CAN DO IT.

~A~ said...

(((more hugs))) and I know I still owe to an exhusbands story.

Jen O. said...

Who did the bills when you were on your own with Trent, before you met Sean?

Kathryn said...

I feel ya. We're having to do a very accurate budget to give to the mortgage company and it's totally depressing how much is NOT left over after bills.