

I just got back from a trip to walmart where I felt like my chest was going to explode and all of my insides would have to be put into my cart and wheeled out to my car with my limp body. everyone gets to a certain point, I guess, where things all hit them at once and they feel like they're going to become unglued. that was me, in walmart. as I waded through the aisles buying sean new things for his apartment. an iron, pots and pans, a trash can, knives, silverware. I think it was one of the hardest things I've done in this whole process.

10 validations:

Jen said...

It is strange how certain seemingly mundane things really drive the feelings home. I bet your emotions are just all over the place right now.

~A~ said...


And it's very nice of you to be out buying things for him. I know you're feeling like it's all your fault and your responsibility to help him settle in to his new home. But really, no, it's not. He's a big boy, he knows what he needs and doesn't need. If he needs funds, I can understand that, but get his ass a gift card and call it good.

xoxo Me

NME said...

I often feel that way in our Walmart.

Sending you some strength to get through.

NME said...

Oh and ubercool template.

Missuz J said...

What A said.

Sean knows where the kitchen department is.

And tons of hugs. Tons and tons.

Katy said...

Love the new digs. And you. Love you too.

the beige one said...

ditto to what A says, and funky template...

thelyamhound said...

It's nice of you to help him out this way; I agree with ~a~ that it's not your responsibility per se, but I expect you know that already. You always, ALWAYS comport yourself with such ablomb (so far as I can gather), and I admire the way you're dealing with this situation.

I'll get used to the template, I suppose; it's like that new haircut that never looks quite right 'til about a week later. :^)

Anonymous said...

It's a roller coaster isn't it? Up down, up down all day until finally you go numb. At least that's how get.

I love the new template.

lonna said...

I'm that way too. Sometimes things are going along and all of a sudden...WHAM...the reality of it hits me at once. I'm so sorry that you're going through all of this. All I can say is that this will all be over sometime and hopefully you will all be stronger for it.