
now I take pictures

a hobby of mine that I've never taken seriously or even really gave any attention to even as a hobby is photography. I always felt that my pictures were trying too hard to be artsy and that everything I ever photographed had already been done before - not just done, but done to death. you know when you go to like disneyworld and they have the "kodak spots" where you're sure to have a really great backdrop of cinderella's castle or whatever? can you imagine how many people have taken pictures of that very same spot? I go to a public garden (longwood gardens in delaware county pa) and the conservatory installations are pretty much the same all year round - lotus outside, orchids and roses in their area, etc. and I always, ALWAYS see people leaning down to take pictures of the flowers and they're all basically the same. the same pictures I take, too. there's nothing special and no real artistic nature in them.

well, now I have a new camera. jarrett bought me a digital SLR (the canon rebel) and the pictures are fantastic. now my pedestrian and rehashed pictures look better than ever because of the quality of this camera. I find I take pictures of the same kinds of things often. I like repeating patterns and ordinary objects and I only really do well with natural light. anyways, my pictures are on flickr. I'm trying to give this more attention in my life because it's something only for me. we'll see how it goes. I'm trying to find a class to take that's not digital cameras 101 and not So You Want To Become A Professional Photographer!

thanks for reading.


3 validations:

lonna said...

I don't know how you tell when you take "good" pictures. I love to see other people's visions. As long as the photo is true to the taker, I am pleased. But I think that is probably the psychologist in me. The English professor who shares my office is both a published poet and a well known photographer. He has two types of pictures - typical nature scenes and pictures of the urban decay around here. I adore the pictures of urban decay because it says two things to me. First, the goth in me loves to see beauty in the untraditional, and second, he's documenting how a once vibrant city is now falling apart - which is true of a lot of the great cities. Paterson, NJ used to be a happening place and now it's mostly dying. I love your pictures because you are seeing objects in a different way than I would, and that's the point of photography to me. As usual, I am rambling and a little off topic. Sorry. It's been that kind of weekend.

Jen said...

I think that you could have a whole room full of people photographing the same object and still have a unique product from each of them, reflective of their personal views. Your photography is your vision, and yours alone. That is what makes your photos so interesting. Please don't let anything slow you down on photography if you enjoy it.

~A~ said...

I may steal your laundry sprinkler picture. :D

I can't wait to see more. I'm in the process of looking for a new camera and yours is on my list of the ones I'm researching.

Enjoy. xoxo